Sunday, November 8, 2009

Here Comes Wealth Confiscation

Welcome to the return of American despotism. This time there's not even a war to hide behind. Late last night the House of Representatives passed something they call "Health Care Reform." It is a lie. There is no reform; the status quo is ossified by this bill. Either you keep the health insurance you have right now forever (that means if there's some new treatment that isn't covered today your plan can't ever cover it), or you get the government plan. But, they say, this is NOT a single-payer plan. Lies.

Here's a line in the sand: any one who supports this bill is an enemy of liberty. Weather they know everything in it and agree or are ignorant is irrelevant, as ignorance merely makes you a useful idiot. I have no doubt every liberal douche out there is celebrating. They're fools.

Now as to the topic of my post, I'll spell it out. There is absolutely no way this bill is "deficit neutral." If you believe that, I'd like to offer you some ocean-front property in Nevada as well as options on parcels on the Moon. This bill comes along with a boat-load of additional taxes to steal what is yours (and more importantly mine!) and still won't cover the expense in the end.

To everyone who thinks that the "rich" can pay for it all. First, you're a selfish asshole; get off your ass and work. Second, the "rich" will not be impacted by this. Taxes are based on income, not wealth (yet, there's also a millionaire tax in this bill) so only those that are becoming wealthy (that is, they have high incomes) will be taxed. Those who are already wealthy can very easily lower their incomes (or at least make it look that way on paper) without dramatic impact on their lifestyle.

So, good going America. You voted for the Democratic Party and screwed up everything.